Monday, April 24, 2006

Last 20 Minutes before Sleep

I love the last twenty minutes before REM fully kicks into gear. During those twenty minutes, amazing things happen. I become the finest dancer and can choreograph dance routines that are perfectly blended with music. I can write beautifully, articlulating all my deepest thoughts in wonderful poems, essays, and letters. I fight like Jason Bourne and all those bad guys are toast from my right upper-cut. I paint true expressions of how I see trees and people. I create new recipes of delectible and savory foods of all kinds. My hands can play Mozart with determination and a passion. My detective skills outmatch Barbara Gordon's and I can solve the mysteries that stump even Adrian Monk. I design and engineer the most galatical spaceship in the Universe, warping my way through the stars.

Creativity flows so freely, I only wish it would last. Even now I feel that my words above are a poor respresentation of those special minutes between waking and sleeping.

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