Friday, March 23, 2007


Apparently today was a big cricket match, or so my Indian Student Assistants informed me. Something like the Superbowl for us... Right now outside my work window, a group of Indians are playing cricket. They seemed to be having lots of fun... and now I have to go back to work.

Did baseball come from cricket? They are similar and yet different...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Crime of the Month

A Crime, a horrible, most horrible crime has been committed… FoxTrot has been removed from the San Jose Mercury News!!! One of my favorite strips, gone! I just cannot believe it, how can they justify that?
I normally read FoxTrot in Spanish online, then read it in English but they haven’t been posting the English version lately, which has taken the challenge to a whole other level.
I wish I knew what I could do to remedy this situation. Who do I write to? Is there someone to call? Anyone know?

On another more delightful note, I saw two great musical performances this last Friday: JJ Heller and Cele De. Check out their myspace music to hear their amazing sounds. I’m not good at describing it, just enjoying it and being awestruck by their talent.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

No Black Coat

It's true! I have not worn my big black coat all week!!! We have had 80 degree weather so I suppose it would have been weird but I wasn't expecting to put it aside so early.

Last night I was driving home from a Bible Study and I had a really bad headache. I turned off the radio, which I usually always have on. Driving home in the silence, it was surprisingly peaceful. As I exited the freeway and neared home, all the sounds reminded me of late nights returning home with my family. Since I drive the same minivan that my parents used when I was younger, every sound was the same. As I braked, as I accelerated, as I waited for a light to change, as I made all the same turns to get home...