Monday, February 06, 2006

God is Sovereign

Every once in a while I meditate on the attributes of God as I learned them once in discipleship training: omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, righteous, sovereign, immutable, love, just, and veracity (absolute truth).

Last Thursday morning as I was reflecting during my quiet time, I began to realize that I had been living the last few days growing in anxiety about all the "stuff" that's going on in my life right now. This caused me to wonder why it was so overwhelming. I remembered a study I did on the attributes of God and it became clear to me that I had forgotten about the sovereignty of God. He is the King of this universe He created. Jesus is seated on His throne in all His majesty and glory. He is the King of my life. I don't need to worry about all the "stuff" in my life because He gives me everything I need: the air to breathe and the heart to believe.

"The LORD has established His throne in the heavens; and His sovereignty rules over all" (Psalms 103:19, NASB).

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