Friday, November 30, 2007

Video Blog - Testing...

So I realized that with my computer and the fancy Photobooth application, I can record videos of myself, when then led me to think about posting a video blog. As I just discovered this is easier said than done. When you watch it you will see it was really hard for me to articulate myself and even sort of focus on what I wanted to say. I considered re-recording a more planned version, but hopefully this uncut and unedited version will provide some amusement.

In case you are wondering, that red spot on my nose is from rubbing my glasses up my nose. I took them off for this video because they were very "reflectory."


Unknown said...

I did not think your video blog was that strange or funny. It was nice to hear your voice and see facial expressions!

Jeffra Diane said...

Thanks, Katy. I felt so awkward. Maybe I'll post one about once a month or so...